AES Encrypt

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) also known as Rijndael is a specification for the encryption of electronic data.

For AES Decrypt algorithm click here.

									private static byte[,] aes_sbox = {

private static byte[,] gf_mul = {

private static T[] SubArray<T>(T[] data, int index, int length = -1)
	if (length == -1)
		length = data.Length - index;

	T[] result = new T[length];
	Array.Copy(data, index, result, 0, length);
	return result;

private static void AddRoundKey(byte[,] state, uint[] w)
	byte[] subkey = new byte[4];

	subkey[0] = (byte)(w[0] >> 24);
	subkey[1] = (byte)(w[0] >> 16);
	subkey[2] = (byte)(w[0] >> 8);
	subkey[3] = (byte)(w[0]);
	state[0, 0] ^= subkey[0];
	state[1, 0] ^= subkey[1];
	state[2, 0] ^= subkey[2];
	state[3, 0] ^= subkey[3];

	subkey[0] = (byte)(w[1] >> 24);
	subkey[1] = (byte)(w[1] >> 16);
	subkey[2] = (byte)(w[1] >> 8);
	subkey[3] = (byte)(w[1]);
	state[0, 1] ^= subkey[0];
	state[1, 1] ^= subkey[1];
	state[2, 1] ^= subkey[2];
	state[3, 1] ^= subkey[3];

	subkey[0] = (byte)(w[2] >> 24);
	subkey[1] = (byte)(w[2] >> 16);
	subkey[2] = (byte)(w[2] >> 8);
	subkey[3] = (byte)(w[2]);
	state[0, 2] ^= subkey[0];
	state[1, 2] ^= subkey[1];
	state[2, 2] ^= subkey[2];
	state[3, 2] ^= subkey[3];

	subkey[0] = (byte)(w[3] >> 24);
	subkey[1] = (byte)(w[3] >> 16);
	subkey[2] = (byte)(w[3] >> 8);
	subkey[3] = (byte)(w[3]);
	state[0, 3] ^= subkey[0];
	state[1, 3] ^= subkey[1];
	state[2, 3] ^= subkey[2];
	state[3, 3] ^= subkey[3];

private static void SubBytes(byte[,] state)
	state[0, 0] = aes_sbox[state[0, 0] >> 4, state[0, 0] & 0x0F];
	state[0, 1] = aes_sbox[state[0, 1] >> 4, state[0, 1] & 0x0F];
	state[0, 2] = aes_sbox[state[0, 2] >> 4, state[0, 2] & 0x0F];
	state[0, 3] = aes_sbox[state[0, 3] >> 4, state[0, 3] & 0x0F];
	state[1, 0] = aes_sbox[state[1, 0] >> 4, state[1, 0] & 0x0F];
	state[1, 1] = aes_sbox[state[1, 1] >> 4, state[1, 1] & 0x0F];
	state[1, 2] = aes_sbox[state[1, 2] >> 4, state[1, 2] & 0x0F];
	state[1, 3] = aes_sbox[state[1, 3] >> 4, state[1, 3] & 0x0F];
	state[2, 0] = aes_sbox[state[2, 0] >> 4, state[2, 0] & 0x0F];
	state[2, 1] = aes_sbox[state[2, 1] >> 4, state[2, 1] & 0x0F];
	state[2, 2] = aes_sbox[state[2, 2] >> 4, state[2, 2] & 0x0F];
	state[2, 3] = aes_sbox[state[2, 3] >> 4, state[2, 3] & 0x0F];
	state[3, 0] = aes_sbox[state[3, 0] >> 4, state[3, 0] & 0x0F];
	state[3, 1] = aes_sbox[state[3, 1] >> 4, state[3, 1] & 0x0F];
	state[3, 2] = aes_sbox[state[3, 2] >> 4, state[3, 2] & 0x0F];
	state[3, 3] = aes_sbox[state[3, 3] >> 4, state[3, 3] & 0x0F];

private static void ShiftRows(byte[,] state)
	byte t;

	t = state[1, 0];
	state[1, 0] = state[1, 1];
	state[1, 1] = state[1, 2];
	state[1, 2] = state[1, 3];
	state[1, 3] = t;

	t = state[2, 0];
	state[2, 0] = state[2, 2];
	state[2, 2] = t;

	t = state[2, 1];
	state[2, 1] = state[2, 3];
	state[2, 3] = t;

	t = state[3, 0];
	state[3, 0] = state[3, 3];
	state[3, 3] = state[3, 2];
	state[3, 2] = state[3, 1];
	state[3, 1] = t;

private static void MixColumns(byte[,] state)
	byte[] col = new byte[4];

	col[0] = state[0, 0];
	col[1] = state[1, 0];
	col[2] = state[2, 0];
	col[3] = state[3, 0];
	state[0, 0] = gf_mul[col[0], 0];
	state[0, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 1];
	state[0, 0] ^= col[2];
	state[0, 0] ^= col[3];
	state[1, 0] = col[0];
	state[1, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 0];
	state[1, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 1];
	state[1, 0] ^= col[3];
	state[2, 0] = col[0];
	state[2, 0] ^= col[1];
	state[2, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 0];
	state[2, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 1];
	state[3, 0] = gf_mul[col[0], 1];
	state[3, 0] ^= col[1];
	state[3, 0] ^= col[2];
	state[3, 0] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 0];

	col[0] = state[0, 1];
	col[1] = state[1, 1];
	col[2] = state[2, 1];
	col[3] = state[3, 1];
	state[0, 1] = gf_mul[col[0], 0];
	state[0, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 1];
	state[0, 1] ^= col[2];
	state[0, 1] ^= col[3];
	state[1, 1] = col[0];
	state[1, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 0];
	state[1, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 1];
	state[1, 1] ^= col[3];
	state[2, 1] = col[0];
	state[2, 1] ^= col[1];
	state[2, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 0];
	state[2, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 1];
	state[3, 1] = gf_mul[col[0], 1];
	state[3, 1] ^= col[1];
	state[3, 1] ^= col[2];
	state[3, 1] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 0];

	col[0] = state[0, 2];
	col[1] = state[1, 2];
	col[2] = state[2, 2];
	col[3] = state[3, 2];
	state[0, 2] = gf_mul[col[0], 0];
	state[0, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 1];
	state[0, 2] ^= col[2];
	state[0, 2] ^= col[3];
	state[1, 2] = col[0];
	state[1, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 0];
	state[1, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 1];
	state[1, 2] ^= col[3];
	state[2, 2] = col[0];
	state[2, 2] ^= col[1];
	state[2, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 0];
	state[2, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 1];
	state[3, 2] = gf_mul[col[0], 1];
	state[3, 2] ^= col[1];
	state[3, 2] ^= col[2];
	state[3, 2] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 0];

	col[0] = state[0, 3];
	col[1] = state[1, 3];
	col[2] = state[2, 3];
	col[3] = state[3, 3];
	state[0, 3] = gf_mul[col[0], 0];
	state[0, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 1];
	state[0, 3] ^= col[2];
	state[0, 3] ^= col[3];
	state[1, 3] = col[0];
	state[1, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[1], 0];
	state[1, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 1];
	state[1, 3] ^= col[3];
	state[2, 3] = col[0];
	state[2, 3] ^= col[1];
	state[2, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[2], 0];
	state[2, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 1];
	state[3, 3] = gf_mul[col[0], 1];
	state[3, 3] ^= col[1];
	state[3, 3] ^= col[2];
	state[3, 3] ^= gf_mul[col[3], 0];

private static uint SubWord(uint word)
	uint result;

	result = aes_sbox[(word >> 4) & 0x0000000F, word & 0x0000000F];
	result += (uint)aes_sbox[(word >> 12) & 0x0000000F, (word >> 8) & 0x0000000F] << 8;
	result += (uint)aes_sbox[(word >> 20) & 0x0000000F, (word >> 16) & 0x0000000F] << 16;
	result += (uint)aes_sbox[(word >> 28) & 0x0000000F, (word >> 24) & 0x0000000F] << 24;

	return (result);

private static uint KE_ROTWORD(uint x)
	return (((x) << 8) | ((x) >> 24));

public static void KeyExpansion(byte[] key, uint[] w, int keysize)
	int Nb = 4, Nr, Nk, idx;
	uint temp;
	uint[] Rcon = { 0x01000000,0x02000000,0x04000000,0x08000000,0x10000000,0x20000000,
		0xab000000,0x4d000000,0x9a000000 };

	switch (keysize)
		case 128: Nr = 10; Nk = 4; break;
		case 192: Nr = 12; Nk = 6; break;
		case 256: Nr = 14; Nk = 8; break;
		default: return;

	for (idx = 0; idx < Nk; ++idx)
		w[idx] = (uint)(((key[4 * idx]) << 24) | ((key[4 * idx + 1]) << 16) |
			((key[4 * idx + 2]) << 8) | ((key[4 * idx + 3])));

	for (idx = Nk; idx < Nb * (Nr + 1); ++idx)
		temp = w[idx - 1];
		if ((idx % Nk) == 0)
			temp = SubWord(KE_ROTWORD(temp)) ^ Rcon[(idx - 1) / Nk];
		else if (Nk > 6 && (idx % Nk) == 4)
			temp = SubWord(temp);
		w[idx] = w[idx - Nk] ^ temp;

public static void Encrypt(byte[] input, byte[] output, uint[] key, int keysize)
	byte[,] state = new byte[4, 4];

	state[0, 0] = input[0];
	state[1, 0] = input[1];
	state[2, 0] = input[2];
	state[3, 0] = input[3];
	state[0, 1] = input[4];
	state[1, 1] = input[5];
	state[2, 1] = input[6];
	state[3, 1] = input[7];
	state[0, 2] = input[8];
	state[1, 2] = input[9];
	state[2, 2] = input[10];
	state[3, 2] = input[11];
	state[0, 3] = input[12];
	state[1, 3] = input[13];
	state[2, 3] = input[14];
	state[3, 3] = input[15];

	AddRoundKey(state, key);
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 4));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 8));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 12));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 16));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 20));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 24));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 28));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 32));
	SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 36));

	if (keysize != 128)
		SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 40));
		SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 44));
		if (keysize != 192)
			SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 48));
			SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); MixColumns(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 52));
			SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 56));
			SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 48));
		SubBytes(state); ShiftRows(state); AddRoundKey(state, SubArray(key, 40));

	output[0] = state[0, 0];
	output[1] = state[1, 0];
	output[2] = state[2, 0];
	output[3] = state[3, 0];
	output[4] = state[0, 1];
	output[5] = state[1, 1];
	output[6] = state[2, 1];
	output[7] = state[3, 1];
	output[8] = state[0, 2];
	output[9] = state[1, 2];
	output[10] = state[2, 2];
	output[11] = state[3, 2];
	output[12] = state[0, 3];
	output[13] = state[1, 3];
	output[14] = state[2, 3];
	output[15] = state[3, 3];


									byte[] plaintext = { 0x00,0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44,0x55,0x66,0x77,
	0x88,0x99,0xaa,0xbb,0xcc,0xdd,0xee,0xff };
byte[] key = { 0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,
	0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f };
byte[] ciphertext = new byte[16];

uint[] key_schedule = new uint[60];

KeyExpansion(key, key_schedule, 256);

Encrypt(plaintext, ciphertext, key_schedule, 256);

for (int idx = 0; idx < 16; idx++)
	Console.Write("{0:x2}", ciphertext[idx]);

