Binary To ASCII

This algorithm converts binary numbers to ASCII code.

									Public Shared Function BinaryToASCII(bin As String) As String
	Dim ascii As String = String.Empty

	For i As Integer = 0 To bin.Length - 1 Step 8
		ascii += ChrW(BinaryToDecimal(bin.Substring(i, 8)))

	Return ascii
End Function

Private Shared Function BinaryToDecimal(bin As String) As Integer
	Dim binLength As Integer = bin.Length
	Dim dec As Double = 0

	For i As Integer = 0 To binLength - 1
		dec += (CByte(AscW(bin(i))) - 48) * Math.Pow(2, ((binLength - i) - 1))

	Return CInt(Math.Truncate(dec))
End Function


									Dim data = "01010000011100100110111101100111011100100110000101101101011011010110100101101110011001110010000001000001011011000110011101101111011100100110100101110100011010000110110101110011"
Dim value = BinaryToASCII(data)


									Programming Algorithms