Damm Algorithm
In error detection, the Damm algorithm is a check digit algorithm that detects all single-digit errors and all adjacent transposition errors. It was presented by H. Michael Damm in 2004. Its essential part is a quasigroup of order 10 (i.e. having a 10×10 Latin square as operation table) with the special feature of being totally anti-symmetric. Damm revealed several methods to create such TA-quasigroups of order 10 and gave some examples in his doctoral dissertation. With this, Damm also disproved an old conjecture that TA-quasigroups of order 10 do not exist.
function CheckSum($number)
$table = "0317598642709215486342068713591750983426612304597836742095815869720134894536201794386172052581436790";
$interim = '0';
$numLen = strlen($number);
for ($i = 0; $i < $numLen; ++$i)
if (($number[$i] - '0') > 9)
return '-';
$interim = $table[($number[$i] - '0') + ($interim - '0') * 10];
return $interim;
function Validate($number)
return CheckSum($number) == '0';
$c = CheckSum("572");
$isValid = Validate("5724");
c: 4
isValid: true