Hexadecimal To RGB
This algorithm converts hexadecimal color code to RGB color model.
#*****Please import following Modules*****
# math
class RGB:
def __init__(self, r, g, b):
self.R = bytes([int(r)])
self.G = bytes([int(g)])
self.B = bytes([int(b)])
def HexadecimalToRGB(hex):
if hex.startswith("#"):
hex = hex[1:]
r = HexadecimalToDecimal(hex[0:2])
g = HexadecimalToDecimal(hex[2:4])
b = HexadecimalToDecimal(hex[4:6])
return RGB(r, g, b)
def HexadecimalToDecimal(hex):
hex = hex.upper()
hexLength = len(hex)
dec = 0
i = 0
while i < hexLength:
b = ord(hex[i])
if b >= 48 and b <= 57:
b -= 48
elif b >= 65 and b <= 70:
b -= 55
dec += b * math.pow(16, ((hexLength - i) - 1))
i += 1
return dec
data = "#520057"
value = HexadecimalToRGB(data)
R: [82]
G: [0]
B: [87]