Numbers To Roman
This algorithm converts decimal numbers to roman numerals.
/*****Please include following header files*****/
// string
/*****Please use following namespaces*****/
// std
static string RepeatString(string s, int count) {
if (count < 0) return "";
string str = "";
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
str += s;
return str;
static string NumbersToRoman(int num) {
string roman = "";
int totalM = num / 1000;
num %= 1000;
int totalCM = num / 900;
num %= 900;
int totalD = num / 500;
num %= 500;
int totalCD = num / 400;
num %= 400;
int totalC = num / 100;
num %= 100;
int totalXC = num / 90;
num %= 90;
int totalL = num / 50;
num %= 50;
int totalXL = num / 40;
num %= 40;
int totalX = num / 10;
num %= 10;
int totalIX = num / 9;
num %= 9;
int totalV = num / 5;
num %= 5;
int totalIV = num / 4;
num %= 4;
roman += RepeatString("M", totalM);
roman += RepeatString("CM", totalCM);
roman += RepeatString("D", totalD);
roman += RepeatString("CD", totalCD);
roman += RepeatString("C", totalC);
roman += RepeatString("XC", totalXC);
roman += RepeatString("L", totalL);
roman += RepeatString("XL", totalXL);
roman += RepeatString("X", totalX);
roman += RepeatString("IX", totalIX);
roman += RepeatString("V", totalV);
roman += RepeatString("IV", totalIV);
roman += RepeatString("I", num);
return roman;
int data = 419;
string value = NumbersToRoman(data);