RGB To Hexadecimal
This algorithm converts RGB color model to hexadecimal color code.
struct RGB
unsigned char R;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char B;
char* AppendString(const char* str1, const char* str2) {
int str1Len = strlen(str1);
int str2Len = strlen(str2);
int strLen = str1Len + str2Len + 1;
char* str = malloc(strLen);
for (int i = 0; i < str1Len; i++)
str[i] = str1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < str2Len; i++)
str[(str1Len + i)] = str2[i];
str[strLen - 1] = '\0';
return str;
char* CharToString(char c) {
char* str = malloc(2);
str[0] = c;
str[1] = '\0';
return str;
char* GetSubString(char* str, int index, int count) {
int strLen = strlen(str);
int lastIndex = index + count;
if (index >= 0 && lastIndex > strLen) return "";
char* subStr = malloc(count + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
subStr[i] = str[index + i];
subStr[count] = '\0';
return subStr;
char* InsertString(char* str, int index, char* subStr) {
char* s = GetSubString(str, 0, index);
s = AppendString(s, subStr);
s = AppendString(s, GetSubString(str, index, strlen(str) - index));
return s;
char* DecimalToHexadecimal(int dec) {
if (dec < 1) return "00";
int hex = dec;
char* hexStr = "";
while (dec > 0)
hex = dec % 16;
if (hex < 10)
hexStr = InsertString(hexStr, 0, CharToString(hex + 48));
hexStr = InsertString(hexStr, 0, CharToString(hex + 55));
dec /= 16;
return hexStr;
char* RGBToHexadecimal(struct RGB rgb) {
char* rs = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.R);
char* gs = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.G);
char* bs = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.B);
return AppendString(AppendString(AppendString("#", rs), gs), bs);
struct RGB data = { 82, 0, 87 };
char* value = RGBToHexadecimal(data);