Rice Compress
Rice is data compression algorithm. This is most useful for compressing data like image and audio.
For Rice Decompress algorithm click here.
Private Const RICE_HISTORY As Integer = 16
Private Const RICE_THRESHOLD As Integer = 8
Public Class BitStream
Public BytePointer As Byte()
Public BitPosition As UInteger
Public NumBytes As UInteger
End Class
Private Shared Function numBits(x As UInteger) As Integer
Dim n As Integer
n = 32
While Not Convert.ToBoolean(x And &H80000000UI) AndAlso (n > 0)
x <<= 1
n -= 1
End While
Return n
End Function
Private Shared Sub initBitStream(ByRef stream As BitStream, buffer As Byte(), bytes As UInteger)
stream.BytePointer = buffer
stream.BitPosition = 0
stream.NumBytes = bytes
End Sub
Private Shared Sub writeBit(ByRef stream As BitStream, x As Integer)
Dim index As UInteger = stream.BitPosition >> 3
If index < stream.NumBytes Then
Dim bit As UInteger = 7 - (stream.BitPosition And 7)
Dim mask As UInteger = CUInt(&HFF Xor (1 << CInt(bit)))
Dim [set] As UInteger = CUInt((x And 1) << CInt(bit))
stream.BytePointer(index) = CByte((stream.BytePointer(index) And mask) Or [set])
stream.BitPosition += 1
End If
End Sub
Private Shared Sub encodeWord(x As UInteger, k As Integer, ByRef stream As BitStream)
Dim j As Integer
Dim q As UInteger = x >> k
For j = 0 To RICE_THRESHOLD - 1
writeBit(stream, 1)
Dim o As Integer = numBits(q)
For j = 0 To o - 1
writeBit(stream, 1)
writeBit(stream, 0)
For j = o - 2 To 0 Step -1
writeBit(stream, CInt((q >> j) And 1))
For i As UInteger = 0 To q
writeBit(stream, 1)
writeBit(stream, 0)
End If
For j = k - 1 To 0 Step -1
writeBit(stream, CInt((x >> j) And 1))
End Sub
Public Shared Function Compress(input As Byte(), output As Byte(), inputSize As UInteger) As Integer
Dim stream As New BitStream()
Dim i As UInteger, x As UInteger, k As UInteger, n As UInteger, wordSize As UInteger = 8
Dim histogram As UInteger() = New UInteger(RICE_HISTORY - 1) {}
Dim j As Integer
Dim incount As UInteger = inputSize / (wordSize >> 3)
If incount = 0 Then
Return 0
End If
initBitStream(stream, output, inputSize + 1)
k = 0
i = 0
While (i < RICE_HISTORY) AndAlso (i < incount)
n = CUInt(numBits(input(i)))
k += n
i += 1
End While
k = (k + (i >> 1)) / i
If k = 0 Then
k = 1
End If
output(0) = CByte(k)
stream.BitPosition = 8
i = 0
While (i < incount) AndAlso ((stream.BitPosition >> 3) <= inputSize)
k = 0
For j = 0 To RICE_HISTORY - 1
k += histogram(j)
k = (k + (RICE_HISTORY >> 1)) / RICE_HISTORY
End If
x = input(i)
encodeWord(x, CInt(k), stream)
histogram(i Mod RICE_HISTORY) = CUInt(numBits(x))
i += 1
End While
If i < incount Then
output(0) = 0
stream.BitPosition = 8
For i = 0 To incount - 1
x = input(i)
For j = CInt(wordSize) - 1 To 0 Step -1
writeBit(stream, CInt((x >> j) And 1))
End If
Return CInt((stream.BitPosition + 7) >> 3)
End Function
Dim str As String = "This is an example for Rice coding"
Dim originalData As Byte() = Encoding.[Default].GetBytes(str)
Dim originalDataSize As UInteger = CUInt(str.Length)
Dim compressedData As Byte() = New Byte(originalDataSize) {}
Dim compressedDataSize As Integer = Compress(originalData, compressedData, originalDataSize)